LOCA version 2 (CMIP6)
Validation and Verification Plots
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Here you will find a variety of validation and verification plots for
the Localized Constructed Analogue (LOCA) project version 2,
for the CMIP6 models.
Historical Validation Plots:
- Annual mean precipitation (mm/day), Tmin, Tmax, and Diurnal Temperataure
Range (DTR) compared to observations
- Annual mean precipitation (%), Tmin, Tmax, and Diurnal Temperataure
Range (DTR) compared to observations
- Seasonal mean precipitation, Tmin, Tmax, and Diurnal Temperataure
Range (DTR) compared to observations
- Average seasonal maximum values of daily precipitation, Tmin, Tmax, and Diurnal Temperataure
Range (DTR) compared to observations
- Percentiles of daily precipitation
compared to observations. A wet-day threshold of 0.5 mm/day was used (ORIG).
- Percentiles of daily precipitation
compared to observations. A wet-day threshold of 0.5 mm/day was used (NEW).
- Percentiles of daily precipitation
compared to observations. A wet-day threshold of 1.0 mm/day was used.
- 20-, 50-, 100-, and 250-year return values of daily precipitation
compared to observations.
- Length of wet spells above different threholds compared to observations
- Fraction of wet days compared to observations
- Seasonal mean specific humidity
- Average seasonal maximum values of daily specific humidity
- Average seasonal minimum values of daily specific humidity
- Seasonal average percentiles of daily specific humidity
- Seasonal mean daily minimum relative humidity
- Seasonal mean daily maximum relative humidity
Future Climate Change Plots:
For further information on the LOCA downscaling project, please contact: